How to use the lot management features / modify the lot boundary

This article will cover how to merge, edit or re-draw the property boundary.

The property boundaries are all generated from each state or region's digital mapping atlas. Changes can occur that might not be up to date such as a subdivision or a lot extension. You are able to manage the lot boundaries to suit your needs.


Lot Management - Allows the manipulation of the property boundary. There are multiple options to either Edit, Merge or Draw a lot.

Edit Lot

The edit lot function is the easiest of the lot management tools. It allows you to drag the corner points of the lot around the map to resize or shape the existing property. This may be necessary if the digital data isn't matching the hard copy document, if there was a subdivision that has occurred but not showing, or if part of the neighboring property might now be part of the main title.

  • Click the Wrench / Spanner icon in the toolbar on the right side of the screen.
  • Select Edit Lot.

The property will highlight white with a letter identifying each site and the Draw lot panel will show up on the left side of the screen.

  • Click & hold with the hand cursor to drag the boundary corners to the correct position.
  • Hover with the cross arrow cursor on a boundary line and drag to the correct position.
  • In the Draw lots panel on the left side of the screen, edit the Label (the address or APN of the original parcel). 

The change to the label can be something as simple as a dot after the street number or something that stands out more like the word 'Edit'. This label will display in the dashboard where you can easily access the lot again.

  • Click the green Save button when complete.
  • Click the Cancel button to clear everything back to the original settings.


The best way to access the edited site is through the dashboard. The original lot can be searched again if necessary. This will create a new draft of the original property. Just remember this will count as a new search. The Edited property will now count as the primary search.


Merge Site


Merge site is used to group any existing parcels / properties into one complete lot. This may be necessary for new developments or if the existing dwelling appears to cover two parcels / properties however only one is currently outlined. 

  • Click the Wrench / Spanner icon in the toolbar on the right side of the screen.
  • Select Merge sites.

The current property will highlight grey and a Merge lots panel will show up on the left side of the screen.

  • Click on adjacent site to extend the grey area and property boundary.  
  • Click on as many neighbouring properties as desired for the merge. 
  • In the Merge lots panel on the left side of the screen, edit the Label (the address or APN of the original parcel). 

The change to the label can be something as simple as a dot after the street number or something that stands out more like the word 'Merged'. This label will display in the dashboard where you can easily access the lot again.

  • Click the green Merge button to save the changes to the property.
  • Click the Cancel button to clear everything back to the original settings.

The best way to access the site is through the dashboard. The original lot can be searched again if necessary. This will create a new draft of the original property. Just remember this will count as a new search. The Merged property will now count as the primary search.



Draw Lot

The Draw lot feature is can be used to create a new parcel. This feature would predominantly be used by house builders for the set up of lots in new subdivisions or just for dividing a property in two. Depending on the situation there are three options available:

  • Inputting Values.
  • Clicking on Map.
  • Upload Trace. 
Each have their merits and depending on the shape of the site can determine which might be easiest to use. All of them can be used to redraw the whole lot if necessary. Its not just limited to a subdivision.

Inputting Values

This method is the most accurate as it requires exact measurements and angles to be entered. The only downside is once the lot is drawn it cannot moved around so it has to be drawn in the correct spot from the start.

    • Search the property that will be redrawn or subdivided.
    • Click Additional Info to turn off any additional site data.
    • Click Lookup Layers to turn off any trees if necessary.

    This example will be based on adding a lot from the next stage in the subdivision. You will need the survey with lot dimensions and angles (degrees and minutes). 

    • Select Draw Lot.
    • Select Inputting Values.


    Make sure the first click is in the correct spot as you will not be able to drag the lot around once complete.

      •  Click the Starting Point.
      • Enter the Boundary Length.
      • Select the Boundary type.
      • Click the Flip Icon if necessary.
      • Enter the Deg / Min / Sec.
      • Click the Plus Icon to add the next line.

      • Enter the Boundary Length.
      • Select the Boundary type.
      • Click the Flip Icon if necessary.
      • Enter the Deg / Min / Sec.
      • Click the Plus Icon to add the next line.

      • Enter the Boundary Length.
      • Select the Boundary type.
      • Click the Flip Icon if necessary.
      • Enter the Deg / Min / Sec.
      • Click the Plus Icon to add the next line.

      • Enter the Boundary Length.
      • Select the Boundary type.
      • Click the Flip Icon if necessary.
      • Enter the Deg / Min / Sec.
      • Edit the label. 
      • Click the green Save button when complete.
      • Click the Cancel button to clear everything and start again.

      The best way to access new lot is through the dashboard. The original lot can be searched again if necessary. This will create a new draft of the original property. Just remember this will count as a new search. The newly drawn property will now count as the primary search.

      Clicking on Map

      This method works a bit like the polygon drawing tool. Ideally it works best for square lots as its easy to draw these 90 degree angles. While the odd angle might be out slightly its easy to get the exact dimensions that you want for each side.

      • Search the property that will be redrawn or subdivided.
      • Click Additional Info to turn off any additional site data.
      • Click Lookup Layers to turn off any trees if necessary.

      This example will be a simple subdivision cutting the property in half with a long driveway along the right side of the property. Drawing this with the polygon tool is an optional step. It will make things easier if approximate measurements of the site are unknown.

      • Click the Toggle snap icon.
      • Click the Wrench / Spanner icon in the toolbar on the right side of the screen.
      • Select Draw Lot.
      • Select Clicking on Map.


      Click on the starting point on the property. If Toggle Snap is active each point should snap to a corner and each line will run parallel to the boundary. Press the enter key to highlight the dimension and enter an exact distance.


      •  Double click on the starting point to close the boundary.

      • Left click to edit the proposed lot.
      • Click and hold the rotate icon and drag to spin the lot.
      • Click & hold with the hand cursor to drag the boundary corners to adjust.
      • Hover with the cross arrow cursor on a boundary line and drag to the adjust.

      Do not click anywhere in the Draw Lot panel until the proposed lot is finalised. You will not be able to rotate or resize the lot after making any adjustments on the left panel.

      • Edit the label. 
      • Identify each of the Boundary types accordingly.
      • Click the green Save button when complete.
      • Click the Cancel button to clear everything and start again.

      All the boundary data and setbacks have now adjusted for the smaller lot size.

      The best way to access the site is through the dashboard. The original lot can be searched again if necessary. This will create a new draft of the original property (In this case it would be how you draw Lot 2). Just remember this will count as a new search. The Merged property will now count as the primary search.

      Upload Trace


      This Method requires the PDF document of the property. The plan is traced and scaled similar to the design upload process. The parcel can then be positioned anywhere on the site. While the angles are spot on the boundary lengths may be out by a few decimal places.

      • Search the property that will be redrawn or subdivided.
      • Click Additional Info to turn off any additional site data
      • Click Lookup Layers to turn off any trees if necessary.


      This example will be based on adding a lot from the next stage in the subdivision. You will need the survey drawn to scale with lot dimensions. 


      • Select Draw Lot.
      • Select Upload Trace.
      • Click the Upload Plan Button.

      This will open your file manager. Select the correct document. The file format can be PDF or JPEG / PNG image files.


      • Click the Upload Trace button to swap file.
      • Click the numbers on the bottom right to find the correct page.
      • Click Cancel to start over.

      • Click on each of the corner points of the lot to trace it.
      • Click the last point for it to auto crop.

      • Click to draw a straight line between two known points.
      • Enter the distance to scale the plan.
      • Click Rescale to clear the line.
      • Click Cancel to start the process again.
      • Click Done to Save the scaling process.

      • Drag the finished lot into the correct position.

      • Left click on the final position.
      • Click the green Check mark to save the position.

      • Edit the label. 
      • Select the Boundary type.
      • Click the green Save button when complete.
      • Click the Cancel button to clear everything and start again.

      The best way to access new lot is through the dashboard. The original lot can be searched again if necessary. This will create a new draft of the original property. Just remember this will count as a new search. The newly drawn property will now count as the primary search.

      Plan Upload


      This feature allows the upload of a scaled plan of subdivision, detailed landscape plan as well as any map imagery or overlay such as contours or utilities onto a site. This can be positioned to help enhance your site plan or make it easier to use other features with greater accuracy. 

      • Search the property that will be redrawn or subdivided.
      • Click Additional Info to turn off any additional site data
      • Click Lookup Layers to turn off any trees if necessary.
      • Select Lot Management
      • Select Upload Plan.

      This will open your file manager. Select the correct document. The file format can be PDF or JPEG / PNG image files.

      • Click the numbers on the bottom right to find the correct page.
      • Click Cancel to start over.

      • Click on each of the corner points of the upload area to trace it.
      • Click the last point for it to auto crop.

      • Click to draw a straight line between two known points.
      • Enter the distance to scale the plan.
      • Click Rescale to clear the line.
      • Click Cancel to start the process again.
      • Click Done to Save the scaling process.


      Enable / Disable Edit Plan image - Locks the plan in position so i cannot be moved or edited.

      Delete - Remove the plan from the property to start again.
      Opacity - Adjust the transparency to see the site information below. 
      Resize - Increase or decrease the plan size to fit the site boundary.
      Rotate - Turn the plan around to match the boundary.
      • Click & Hold the Rotate button to move the plan to match the boundary.
      • Click the Resize button then drag the corner of the plan to adjust the size.

      • Click the Opacity at anytime to change the transparency.
      • Click the Enable / Disable Edit plan image button to lock & unlock the plan.

      • Place and position a design for the siting. 

      The upload plan feature is best used to add missing site imagery or to easily use the draw lot feature by providing a perfectly scaled and positioned site boundary to trace.